This website uses cookies

Our Company’s website uses Cookies for functional reasons, to offer personalized content, to provide customized services to its Customers, for targeted advertising, for the characteristics of social networks and the analysis of traffic. We also share information with third parties (advertising, analytics and social media partners) who can combine this information with the information you share with them through the use of their services.

What are Cookies?

“Cookies” are small pieces of text files, which are stored in the user’s browser when he visits a website. The information stored on the User’s computer may contain information such as which pages the User has visited or the date and time of the visit. In no case do cookies contain personal information or information, which will allow anyone to communicate with the visitor of the website, by phone, e-mail, etc. In addition, using cookies does not access your computer documents or files.

Which cookies do we use on our Website?

Generally there are the following categories of cookies used on our Website.

1. Necessary Cookies
The necessary or necessary cookies are essential for the proper functioning of our Website and allow you to browse and use their functions. These cookies do not recognize your personal identity. Without these cookies, we can not offer effective operation of our Website.

Name Provider Lifespan
AI_buffer This Website Login Period
AI_sentBuffer This Website Login Period
ASP.NET_SessionId This Website Login

2. Statistics
These cookies collect information about how visitors use our Website, for example, which pages they visit most often and whether they receive error messages from websites. These cookies collect aggregate, anonymous information that does not identify a visitor. They are used exclusively to improve the performance of a website.

Name Provider Lifespan
_ga This site 2 years
_gat This website 1 day
_gid This site 1 day
ai_user This site 1 year
collect Login period

3. Marketing
These cookies are used to provide content that best suits your interests. They can be used to send targeted advertising / promotions or measure the effectiveness of an advertising campaign. They can be used to determine which online marketing channels are most effective.

Name Provider Lifespan
ai_session This site 1 day
NID 6 months
r / collect Login period

4. Unclassified
Unclassified cookies are cookies that are in the process of being classified, together with the providers of individual cookies.

Name Provider Lifespan
AITR_OnError This Website Login
msgln This site 1 year
subscriberid This site 1 year